Sunday 24 March 2013

Day 15

Hello dear Reader. Today I am communicating with you from the comfort of being laid flat out on my sofa, for it would seem this is my first time poorly at age thirty-nine. So I am here stuck on my sofa with no energy to move for getting up, my family have kindly left the TV on for me but with no remote so I am stuck with Songs of Praise on mute; but on the bright side the subtitles are on so I can sing along with the hymns and because of the no sound I don't know just how out of tune I am with the hymns.

So I was feeling fine dear Reader and then suddenly I got a temperature, you know the bad one when you get the shivers and the shakes? Then you go hot. I got myself in a panic when I broke out in an full-body rash thinking I was having yet another allergic reaction. I knew I had not come in contact with any of my triggers or indeed tried anything new... then I remembered I had just started to drink strawberry smoothies so I was just about to get rid of my prime suspect when the temperature started. So I am guessing I have some virus and maybe it will be the flu. so anytime now I will have a runny nose and cold symptoms to contend with. Looks like I am stuck here on this here sofa too, I hate sitting still, I just cannot sit still for long. Already stuff is annoying me, the coffee table is too cluttered; the curtains need pulling on and I really need to turn Songs of Praise over. 

On the plus side I never need to have a sickie from work cos I can still read, you can always read and will most likely end up doing more work than I usually do! The hubby is in the kitchen cooking a home made curry, I dread to think what kind of mess the kitchen will end up in: the sink will be stained with curry; the tumble drier needs emptying and the work tops may not get a wipe down, but I must not complain as he is after all cooking me a hot curry to sweat out my phantom flu symptoms away before they even make an appearance. 

I am going to attempt to visit the bathroom in a minute. I expect towels will still be on the bathroom floor; a tap will be dripping up there and maybe the loo roll will need replacing. I have such an important job in this family keeping up with all these jobs that no one notices them getting done.  I am like a cleaning angel who prevents my family from mess and doing anything about mess.  But it has got me thinking been stuck here on this here sofa... firstly, we need a new sofa; secondly, that I need to give my teens more responsibility... I think for the hubby it is too late to save him... but for the kids I can and learn them to be helpful and have the ability to take care of stuff without me asking. Yes they need more responsibility, when I am better we will begin an intense training programme and I will learn them how to do chores. They need to know how to do this stuff.  I will turn my son into the perfect hubby then, he will know how to cook, clean, iron and pick towels up from the bathroom floor before I  am the BIG 40 dear Reader and even though my daughter has said she will never marry and instead would prefer to be a mad woman because she will live alone and have a hundred cats she will be learning these domestic skills too. But for now I will build up to getting off this sofa so I can turn over the telly.

Evening all x x x


  1. Oh dear... you've got your work cut out for you then!
    If I were you, I would have demanded that remote control!
    I hope you're feeling better today.
    :) x

  2. Hi Suzy, thank you for stopping by. Nice to see you. I am feeling much better today thank you, just taking it easy so I can hopefully get better. Hate sitting still. I now am in full control of the remote too!!

  3. Glad to hear it Nikki!! Have a great day :D x
